Inflammation Fighting Foods

Inflammation Fighting Foods

Welcome back! Today’s post, Inflammation Fighting Foods, is an expansion on our inflammation series. Did you catch our first post – Fighting Inflammation 101? Here I shared the basics behind inflammation and some of the things influencing inflammation in the body.  In short, inflammation is the immune system’s reaction to foreign objects. This could be environmental pollutants, certain foods, or microbes.  We all experience inflammation to some extent, each and every day.


While our previous post shares a variety of lifestyle habits that decrease inflammation, I’d like to focus on food today.   They say that the best medicine is found at the grocery store, not the pharmacy. Today, Inflammation Fighting Foods will provide you with some of my favorite foods that combat inflammation.  This will provide you with some staple foods for your grocery list.


I also hope to share some foods which promote inflammation.  Foods that contribute to inflammation should be used sparingly. I’m not much of an all or nothing kind of person. While I don’t advise to never eat these things again, the less you incorporate these foods, the better you will feel.


When I decided to develop this list, I thought about sharing the science behind all my favorite anti-inflammatory foods. Then I realized, a lot of you just want to know what to buy. For those of you interested in the mechanism behind all these awesome foods, I provided references to some research. If you find all the research fascinating like myself, I encourage you to give some of the articles a read!  If not, just pay attention to the goodies listed below.


Anti-inflammatory Foods

This may sound generic and cheesy, but the whole, unprocessed foods are best. Foods with lots of vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and omega-3s are your best bet. A good example of this eating pattern is the Mediterranean diet. Next time you head to the store, fill your cart with the items below:

  1. Tumeric (13)
  2. Fatty Fish (11)
  3. Leafy Greens (7)
  4. Kefir (3)
  5. Garlic (10)
  6. Cherries (1)
  7. Green Tea (4)
  8. Coconut Oil (5)
  9. Olive Oil (9)
  10. Flaxseed (6)

Inflammatory Foods

  1. Refined Carbohydrates (14)
  2. Processed Meats (12)
  3. Trans Fats (8)
  4. Alcohol (2)


I highly recommend filling your cart with the whole foods listed above. However, if you have limited access to some of these foods, supplements are an option.  Don’t like Kefir? Opt for a probiotic. Unable to do fatty fish? Consider a fish oil supplement.  A rule to keep in mind is quality over quantity. Remember to consult your physician before starting any supplement.

Do you have more questions? Share your thoughts and questions. Send then my way and I will do my best to address your concerns!  In the mean time, be sure to connect with the SLN family on Instagram, @stephanieleenutrition.


Inflammation Fighting Foods – Reference List