5 Healthy Holiday Tips

5 Healthy Holiday Tips

5 Healthy Holiday Tips

We’ve all heard of the dreaded holiday weight gain. It may just be a pound here or a pound there, but once it’s there, it’s hard to lose. Over the years, that pound here and there can really add up. Keep reading to check out my favorite 5 Healthy Holiday Tips!

Savor the Flavor

This is one of my favorite phrases to live by.  Savor the flavor means enjoying every aspect of food. This means much more than to like what you’re eating. While I believe nutrition is important, there is much more to food.  We often link our most pleasurable moments with food. You got that right: holidays, parties, girl’s night, the list goes on and on. Use your senses to really take in all the food before you has to offer. Smell its aroma. Appreciate its color and beauty. Taste its flavors. Feel its texture. Here its sizzle. This idea encourages you to enjoy all the experiences associated with food. The more you truly indulge in all your food has to offer, the better food choices we make.

Nibble Away

One of my favorite parts of the holidays is all the food of course. Not only do I love the main meal but also the snacks, desserts, and appetizers. With so many choices to choose from, it’s hard to keep your plate in check. Of course you want to taste that tenderloin, and those cocktail shrimp, and those cut-out, sugar cookies. Come on. Who wouldn’t? My trick is to grab a small plate and fill it with tiny portions of everything that looks good. This allows me to enjoy all the rich foods without a food coma!

Plan Ahead

When I talk to people trying to avoid the holiday weight gain, I often hear them talk about skipping meals before the holiday. Many people tend to skip breakfast and lunch so they can binge during the big party. While this may help store away some calories in the bank, it often back fires. By the time you get to your party, you may feel ravishing with hunger. When you’re overcome with hunger, it’s hard to say no to the deviled eggs, stuffed mushrooms, or chips and dip. That’s even before the main meal! Aim for a lighter, but balanced lunch with plenty of protein and fiber to keep you full.

Stay Hydrated

The holidays can get pretty hectic. Chances are you’ll be running around Christmas morning, trying to get all your ducks in a row. Staying hydrated is often the last thing on our mind. I like to keep a large bottle of water with me when I’m getting ready and when I hit the road. Keeping water on you is an easy reminder to take a sip and stay hydrated. Getting enough fluids in throughout the day will help control your appetite and keep you alert.

Have a Sip

When it comes to holiday cocktails, it’s hard to say no. Whether you are opting for egg nog or red wine, make sure to choose something you really enjoy. Similarly to “Savor the Flavor,” take time to enjoy your favorite drink. Make sure to savor every last sip. Take it all in!


Cheers to a happy healthy season with these 5 Healthy Holiday Tips. Wishing your and your family many blessings over the holidays!