6 Tips to Build a Healthy Routine

6 Tips to Build a Healthy Routine

Building a Healthy Routine: 6 strategies to help reach your health and fitness goals

We’ve all been there.  We’ve all been at that point where it seems every bit of our routine has fallen apart. Maybe you’ve had extra tasks line up throughout the week. Or that you’ve had a series of unexpected events. You may have even been given some opportunities too good to pass up. Regardless of the why, life gets hectic. Most have us have experienced a few road bumps on our health journey.  When life gets crazy, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to set up a small, healthy routine. I’m not talking big, time-consuming changes. Rather, adding small, intentional practices to help you turn health into a habit.


Healthy habits aren’t born over night and neither is a healthy body.  It may sound cliché, but consistency is key.  Making small changes and staying consistent is easily one of the best tools to keep you on track to achieving your health goals.  After all, as time passes, all those little changes turn into big change!  Keep consistent and follow these tips to develop a healthy routine.


What’s Your Why

Believe it or not, that green smoothie, weight loss pill, or hour on the treadmill is not the key to health. One of the biggest and most important strategy for developing a healthy routine is goal setting.  When I meet with clients, particularly for weight loss and healthy, I ask them to dig deep about the why. First and foremost, why do want to do said goal. For example, ask yourself why do you want to get healthy?  Your thoughts may go to

  • Fitting in an old pair of jeans
  • Becoming more confident in my skin
  • Having more energy to keep up with my kids
  • Improving my health condition

Whatever your reason, you can build on that. From there, expand on your why. How will fitting in those jeans make your life better? How do you envision your life when you have more energy? I’m asking you to dig a little deep here. Why will reaching this goal make your life better? Setting a clear goal with a clear purpose will give you the motivation and framework you need to continue with a healthy regimen.

Plan Ahead

It’s an age-old rule –> If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Once you have developed your why, it’s crucial to keep those goals at the forefront of your mind.  Then, create an action plan to help you stick with your healthy routine. As a part of your healthy routine, determine what you need to do to achieve your goals and the actions you must take. Make sure to be realistic about your expectations. Then, put a timeline on these actions and make a schedule. Maybe it’s scheduling a few hours to meal prep on Sunday or dedicating an hour exercise three times per week. Whatever your actions, follow through. When things get tough or motivation is lacking, remember your why. Envision how your life will be when you reach your goals. If you keep your goals at the forefront of your mind and stick to your timeline, you will succeed!

Drink Up Buttercup

Drinking enough water is easily the most underrated strategy to a healthy routine. Not only is staying hydrated crucial for joint lubrication, temperature regulation, and our metabolism, but it also keeps you level-headed. Drinking is one of the number one ways to prevent overeating. When dehydrated, our body can confuse thirst for hunger.  I recommend starting your day with a 16 ounce glass of water with a squeeze of lemon. Hold yourself accountable to drinking this glass of water. I often withhold my coffee until I finish off my water. This way I know I’m starting my body off on the right foot, but I also have a little reward to look forward too.

Listen to Your Body

I’ve been known to promote the whole 80/20 rule for healthy eating.  I will always encourage people to build a balanced plate of whole, nutritious foods for the majority of your meals. These meals should include a hefty portion of vegetables, a good source of protein, a complex carbohydrate, and some healthy fats. If you feel the need for a treat, go for it! Keep in mind, treats should be just that…a treat!  A sprinkle of treats throughout the week should not be fears. A small piece of cake, a square of chocolate or a glass of red wine won’t derail your progress. But portion sizes, frequency, and mindfulness are key to making smart choices.  In addition to creating balance with your meals, I also emphasize the importance of listening to your body’s hunger cues. It’s important to take notes for the reason we still want to eat. Are we eating because we are still hungry, is it for pleasure, or is it out of boredom?  Keep in mind, you should always take note of your body signals.  If you feel full or the cravings aren’t there, don’t entertain those ideas.

Alternate Your Workout

One of the number one reasons I find people skipping their workout is because they don’t enjoy it. Exercise doesn’t have to mean hours on the treadmill or trying to keep up with Shaun T on your TV screen. Find an activity you like. Do you enjoy hiking on the local trails, swimming at the town pool, lifting weights with your friend, or doing Zumba in your living?  These are all excellent forms of exercise! Try and find a few activities you enjoy. From there, give yourself a set rotation of workouts and activities you like. By setting a rotation, you’ll be able to mix things up while still maintaining a regimen.

Put Pen to Paper

Last, but certainly not least, I recommend putting some pen to paper. There is something truly therapeutic about putting a pen to paper. To help you stick with the last five strategies, get yourself a wellness journal…or just a notebook for that matter. Think of it as a daily prompt to keep you on track with your healthy routine. I encourage you to keep track of your goals on a daily basis by setting plans and intentions for the day ahead.  In addition to an action plan for your goals, jot down the food you ate, the water your drank, and the exercises you completed. Write about how you feel, the challenges you’ve had, or the successes you’ve seen. If you’re in need of some inspiration, I recommend getting a wellness journal like this one with prompts and activities.


How do stay on track with your healthy routine? What is the biggest challenge to maintaining your routine? Be sure to share your ideas in the comment section below or chat with me on Instagram, @stephanieleenutrition!



6 Tips to Build a Healthy Routine