Inflammation Fighting Foods

Welcome back! Today’s post, Inflammation Fighting Foods, is an expansion on our inflammation series. Did you catch our first post – Fighting Inflammation 101? Here I shared the basics behind inflammation and some of the things influencing inflammation in the body.  In short, inflammation is the immune system’s reaction to foreign objects. This could be environmental pollutants, …

Sriracha Slaw Shrimp Tacos

When you have a food victory, you absolutely must shout it from the rooftops.  Can you hear it? —SRIRACHA SLAW SHRIMP TACOS for the win!   Accidents happen, some good, some bad. We have a good one folks! In the midst of using up my nearly expired produce, a miracle was born. Who knew a …

Fighting Inflammation 101

Fighting Inflammation 101 By: Stephanie Wagner RDN, LDN What is inflammation? You can think of inflammation as a natural body function. We have all experienced inflammation to some extent. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to harm. Things like stress, illness, injury, and our environment can trigger inflammation on a daily basis. Without an inflammatory …

Fudgy Black Bean Brownies

Okay you guys, I officially had a moment of weakness. I’m talking one of those “bored” eating moments.  This past week I’ve been craving all the sweets in my free time. Give me all the chocolate. I am on day eight of isolation. The hubby has been on a fishing trip with the boys. Meaning, …

Making It Mediterranean: Mediterranean Diet 101

If you’ve been reading any health news as of late, you may have come across the Mediterranean Diet.  The Mediterranean Diet recently tied for the top spot in healthiest diets per U.S. News experts. But, this is far from the first article to tout the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. The Mediterranean diet is …

Trying to become more ecofriendly in the kitchen this year? Check out my post to get that much closer to becoming zero-waste!

How To Reduce Food Waste

A few months ago, I was gung-ho about cleaning up the kitchen. Decluttering and throwing out was my mission. I literally pulled out every item in my fridge and cleaned all the shelves. In going through the fridge, I threw out any expired containers, moldy produce, or forgotten leftovers. Man, cleaning out really felt good. …

10 Meal Prep Success Strategies

Hey all! We are nearly one week into 2018 and many people have set goals to improve mentally, physically, and spiritually. A new year means new goals for many people, myself included. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been getting a lot of DMs related to meal prep.  More specifically, how to meal prep successfully.  …