Chocolate Protein Waffles

Chocolate Protein Waffles

We hear it time and time again. Eat your breakfast. There is no arguing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As a dietitian, I preach this regularly.  It sets us up for success for the rest of the day. Though I know its importance, it is one of those things even I struggle with…

In the last year or two I’ve really had to learn to become a morning person. If you talked to me a few years back, you would know I did not function before eight o’clock. Now my alarm regularly goes off around five thirty. I’m pretty good at getting up right away…..but if I’m being honest, I set my alarm for last minute.  A last minute alarm leaves pretty little time to throw together a solid breakfast. That usually means my breakfast is pretty on the go—> grabbing a yogurt or some fruit, and if I’m really lucky I prepped a smoothie the night before.

Point blank, I’m normally not getting an adequate breakfast, and boy can I sure tell. If I scarf that pathetic breakfast down by 7, I’ve got the munchies at 8, 9, 10, etc. It does not hold me over, making it easier to over eat or make poor choices. It’s super important to not only have breakfast, but a quality breakfast.

The two most important components of a solid breakfast are protein and fiber. Protein is a good choices as it is slower to digest, keeping us full for a longer period of time. Fiber also helps to add extra volume, making us feel full, while also slowing the digestion process.  These two powerhouse nutrients help your breakfast go further.

The chocolate protein waffles below are perfect for a balanced breakfast. This recipe offers around 38 grams of protein and 7 grams of fiber. Depending on your topping selections, fiber/protein content can increase further. And if you suck at getting up extra early, this recipe is for you. It literally takes me five minutes to put together. I toss all the ingredients in blender and mix for a minute or so. Then I pour it over the waffle iron, which takes about two minutes. Top with whatever toppings I need and I’m ready to go.  If I don’t have time to sit at the table, I pop them in one container and the toppings in another. Then I just heat them up and enjoy when I get to work!


Chocolate Protein Waffles

  • Servings: 1 Large Waffle
  • Difficulty: easy
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  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I use Natural Sport Whey Good Protein)
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 2 egg whites
  • ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon cocoa powder
  • ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 genereous pinch salt
  • Optional for serving: maple syrup, almond butter, fruit jam, peanut butter, and/or fresh fruit (pictured is Wild Friends Chocolate Coconut Peanut Butter thinned with almond milk and topped with coconut flakes)



  1. Heat waffle iron.
  2. Add protein powder, oats, egg whites, baking powder, cocoa powder, vanilla, and salt to a blender. Blend well
  3. Once waffle iron is heated, spray iron well with non-stick spray and pour batter over bottom iron.
  4. When waffle iron timer is complete, remove waffle and transfer to a plate. Top with favorite toppings and serve immediately.