1:1 Nutrition Coaching


Welcome, Beauty!

I am so glad you’re here. I help women, just like you, balance their hormones, improve their digestion, and manage stress to become the best version of themselves.  If you feel frustrated because you’ve tried everything to get your health on track but haven’t gotten the results, I am here to help.


Not too long ago, I was sitting right where you are now. I was dealing with painful and embarrassing acne and eczema. My hormones were going crazy and my cycle was irregular. And it was a daily battle to manage my bloating, food sensitivities, and digestive issues.


I’m here to tell you that I see you, I hear you, and I want to help you.



I Want To:

What do you want to heal?


You are here because you’ve gotten lost along the way.


You’ve tried the doctors, the derms, and the specialist.

You’ve tried the creams, the washes, and the treatments.

You’ve tried the pills, the supplements, and the herbs.

You’ve tried the “magic smoothies,” the restrictive diets, and the meal plans.

You’ve tried Google, the Gram, and even Reddit.

You’ve TRIED. IT. ALL.
I’m here to tell you, you don’t deserve to feel stuck, you don’t deserve to feel defeated, and you certainly don’t deserve to feel any less than yourself.  I am here to help.



I get it, you have a lot on your plate. You’re just trying to keep up with all the stress of the day to day. On top of it all, you’re trying to manage your health struggles. You’ve been trying to get your health under control, but you haven’t had that “A’HA” moment. Through all the juggling, you can just sense something is out of whack in your body.  You know it’s time for a fresh eye and some additional support.


Our health struggles often present from some sort of imbalance in the body. These imbalances in your body can present in a million ways.  Your symptoms may present as fatigue, digestive issues, acne, eczema, psoriasis, PMS, low energy, mood swings, anxiety, food sensitivities, headaches, or more.


I want to work hard with you. Together, we can assess your personal health concerns and current symptoms.  From here, the focus becomes investigating.  Why these symptoms are present?  What caused the dysfunction?  I use functional lab testing to start our search and get the answers you’ve been looking for.  As a team, we will uncover the root cause of your symptoms. By uncovering the “why,” we can help to address your personal imbalances at the root. No bandaid treatments here.

click to get started


Wondering How I Help?

What to expect from your Functional Dietitian and Health Coach:

Comprehensive Assessment of Your Health History

Client-Centered Care

Biweekly, Video or Phone Sessions

E-mail Support

Personalized Nutrition Support and Meal Plans

Tailored Workout Plans

Targeted Supplement Regimens

Access to Top of the Line Functional Lab Testing

Ongoing Education to Improve Your Nutrition, Fitness, and Lifestyle

How to Get Started


Are you interested in working with me? Take these steps to get started:


1. Click the “Get Started” button below to book a discovery call with our team to determine which coach best fits your needs.

2. Once you’re ready to get started, you will be sent a program agreement. When completed and signed, you’ll be given access to your coach and client prep work.

3. When your prep work is complete, you’ll be given a link to schedule your session with your coach.


Have questions? Email me at stephanie@stephanieleenutrition.com or stephanie@nutritiondynamic.com