Self-Care App Favorites

Self-Care App Favorites

I’ve been preaching a lot about self-care lately.  After all, practicing self-care has helped me keep my sanity more than once. Though I am relatively new to the self-care game, I’ve managed to pick up a few tricks along the way.


When I started practicing self-care more regularly, I realized it wasn’t as glamorous as I envisioned. Self-care goes far deeper than getting a weekly massage or a pedi with your girlfriends. I quickly started to notice some barriers.  Particularly, the metal block I would hit when it came to facilitating my self-care practices.  When I set aside time for self-care, I would end up spending half the time trying to decide what to do.


Never in a million years would I have thought my smart phone would be the key.  Little did I know all I needed was a self-care app to get started.  And if it makes it easier to practice self-care, I’m all for it! Fortunately for you, I’ve done the trial and error. If you’re ready to take fill your own cup, I recommend experimenting with these apps. The list below shares my self-care app favorites. Play around and find what works for you!



Grateful: A Gratitude Journal

Grateful: A Gratitude Journal is one of my favorite apps. Practicing gratitudes is what I do on a daily basis to build positivity, relationships, and relaxation. The Grateful app provides daily prompts for you to journal daily.  Don’t want their prompts? Use your own!  This app also makes it incredibly easy to go back and look at your past entries.  I find this super helpful when I’m in need of a pick-me-up.  In seconds, you can relive some of your happiest moments.


Interested in meditation but don’t know where to start?  Headspace may be the app for you!  In this self-care app, a guide is used to help teach you the basics of meditation and mindfulness. While some meditations are more in-depth, the app also features quick meditations for busy schedules.  Regular use of the app can help with productivity, mental clarity, and improved sleep.

Start Stretching

The Start Stretching app is pretty simple…it gets you stretching! This app acts as a coach to improve flexibility through basic stretches, cycled routines, and time tracking. I’ve used this app before bed to help me relax and get better sleep.  And you know what, it’s worked!

Plant Nanny

This has to be the cutest app of all time.  The premise of this app centers around keeping you hydrated.  Once you download the app, the app collects your height and weight to develop a hydration goal. Then, you pick out a virtual plant to raise.  Each day, the app sends you push notifications reminding you to drink water. Depending on the amount of water you drink, your plant with thrive or die.  In my opinion it’s gratifying to drink water as a means to water my plant that doesn’t even exist. Don’t ask me why.


The Happify app is there to do just that, make you happier. Per the app makers, Happify is five, scientifically based techniques to improve happiness.  The app utilizes a variety of writing prompts and games to reduce negative bias.  While some of the features are free to users, some of the more advanced features can be purchased.

Simple Habit

The Simple Habit app was referred to me by a friend. While this is a paid app, Simple Habit provides guided meditation for specific stress symptoms, lifestyles, or personal situations. In less than five minutes a day, you can learn to tackle life challenges, improve your sleep, and decrease stress.

Sleep Bot

Sleep Bot is just as it sounds, a sleep-tracking app. The app can track movements and snoring to assess how you are sleeping overtime.  It even acts as an alarm to wake you in the morning.

Charity Miles

If you like biking, which I’m learning to like, you can give this app a try.  In addition to keeping active, the Charity Miles app donates 10 cents for every mile you ride!  What’s better, it is free!


Do you use a self-care app to fill your cup? What is your favorite tool or self-care app? Be sure to share your ideas in the comment section below!