Simple Guilt-Free Coffee Cashew Butter

Simple Guilt-Free Coffee Cashew Butter

I have a serious crush on nut butter.  And I have a serious crush on coffee. Which makes this Simple Guilt-Free Coffee Cashew Butter a crush-worthy combination.  Then you throw a crisp, orchard apple and a dash of cinnamon to the mix…we’ve got a marriage-worthy combination. After all, if you follow me on Instagram, you know I’m into a good apple with some nut butter.


However, this wasn’t always the case.


For the longest time, I was very much about quantity, not quality, when it came to food. I didn’t touch nuts or nut butter. I didn’t hit the cafe for a coffee. And I certainly would have eaten that apple plain.


At that time, I was way more focused on getting more “bang for my buck,” if you will.  Not more nutrition bang for my buck, but more calorie bang for my buck.  The lower the calories, the more likely I would eat it.  My mind would always say, “why would I eat two tablespoons of cashew butter when I could have two, 100-calorie packs of Oreos.


As you can see, calories were the name of the game. I thought calories dictated health and nutrition, not the quality of those calories.  What I’ve learned since then –> the quality of those calories really matter. They especially matter when it comes to our health.


The nutrients we ingest, the macronutrients, the minerals, the vitamins, the fiber…it all plays into our health.  Whether you are focused on obtaining a glowing complexion, a happy tummy, or keeping your blood sugars in check, NUTRIENTS MATTER!


Fortunately for us, this Simple Guilt-Free Coffee Cashew Butter is a straight-up, nutrient hub!


simple guilt-free coffee cashew butter


And just what do I mean by that?  You’ll get all this and more from each and every serving:

  • Monounsaturated Fats – may lower bad cholesterol, improve skin hydration, decrease inflammation, and reduce oxidative stress (aka aging)
  • Magnesium – improves digestive health, energy levels, and the body’s ability to manage stress
  • Antioxidants – helps protect from damaging free radicals. Antioxidants, like those found in coffee, seek out free radicals and prevent them from damaging cells in the body
  • Copper – aids in the production of collagen to repair damage skin and maintain a supple complexion
  • Polyphenols – possess anti-inflammatory benefits that may improve inflammation, skin conditions, and improve digestion


But, first things first, a few tips to keep in mind.

  1.  Raw cashews –  Be sure to get the raw, unadultured cashews.  Skip the roasted, salted, or sweetened variety.
  2.  Quality coffee – Don’t skimp on the quality of your coffee. Cheap coffees are often oxidized, over-fermented, and may even contain mold.  All those toxins may negate the health benefits.
  3. Caffeine – Consider your health goals when it comes to choosing regular versus decaf coffee. If you’re dealing with sleep, gut, hormone, or hydration issues, consider ditching the caffeine for a decaf variety.


decaf purity coffee


After that, it’s easy. Let those beautiful, raw cashews soak overnight. Then blend, blend, blend.  And don’t forget the apple!


So I’ve got one last burning question what’s your favorite part in all this…coffee or cashews? For more recipes like these, subscribe for my weekly meal plans. Start here with a no obligation, 3-day free trial! Before you go, be sure to grab my coupon code “SWAGNERRD10” for 10% off when you shop Purity Coffee.


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Easy Coffee Bean Cashew Butter
simple guilt-free coffee cashew butter
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 10 minutes
  • 2 cups raw cashews
  • 1 tablespoon Purity coffee beans, ground
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • salt, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener of choice maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, etc)
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 10 minutes
  • 2 cups raw cashews
  • 1 tablespoon Purity coffee beans, ground
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • salt, to taste
  • 1 tablespoon sweetener of choice maple syrup, stevia, coconut sugar, etc)
simple guilt-free coffee cashew butter
  1. Place cashews in bowl and cover with hot water. Let stand for at least 1 hour or overnight.
  2. Add all ingredients in food processor and process until smooth and creamy. Enjoy with sliced fruit, by the spoonful, or in your favorite smoothie.
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