Hi, my name is Penny.  I’m a National Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach and classically trained chef from Paris. I lost 40# pre-wedding and 30# after my 1st child.  I don’t say this to brag, I say this because in my mind, I know what I should be doing, right?

Second pregnancy—>I got morning sickness and all I could eat was bread/cheese and gained almost 50#. First pregnancy, weight flew off.  Not this time.  I gave myself some time, women’s bodies aren’t meant to bounce back and tried to appreciate my new body.  But I didn’t feel good, I stopped cooking and had the worst anxiety of my life. At 5 months, something needed to change cause I still felt lousy.  I followed ND for a while as I love what they stand for.  I set 2 goals for myself-

✅ get back to cooking…even if it wasn’t the healthiest, but just to get back in the kitchen!

✅ be at pre-baby weight by the time my daughter was a year.

I knew every coach needs a coach, so I started with ND and said I’d give it 6 months. My biggest concern was that baby was healthy, fed and never starving or that I wasn’t starving myself!! When I started with Stephanie, we bonded over so many things such as health and having a newborn.  I felt safe. I felt I was in the right place.  After 3 days I got back into the kitchen (goal 1, ✅), started dropping weight (goal 2, ✅) and started to feel like my old self. Fast forward 6 months, I am consistent with my 5 day/wk workout, I cook 3 meals most days, lost 17”, and 23.2 lbs.  Not only did I get to prebaby weight, I surpassed it! My favorite part was I didn’t stop my life, I worked this INTO my life.  I kept my weekly date nights at fancy restaurants with my husband.

My biggest take always are

✅You are worth it.  Don’t think about how much it costs…your health will cost more if you don’t have it.
✅you don’t have to spend your life in the gym.
✅eat more!! I couldn’t believe how much I was eating and OMG starch and grains…bring it on!  They are NOT the devil.


My four weeks on the flush has been amazing. Before starting, I had become heavily reliant on caffeine, having 2-3 cups per day minimum. I had also been consistently drinking wine to “wind-down” in the evenings. I was feeling bloated, puffy and jittery for much of the day. I had been consistently having wake-ups at night around 2-3am and finding it hard to go back to sleep. Within one week and throughout the flush, I have consistently slept through the night. I have maintained consistent energy throughout the day. My digestion has been great, with a noticeable decrease in bloating. I have also noticed that my body odor has gone away when I exercise. To top it all off…I have a lost about 5 pounds!

-Andrea D

“I started working with Stephanie after a severe bout of diverticulitis put me in the hospital earlier this summer for five days…I didn’t know what or how to eat without pain. Working with Stephanie Wagner was such a great experience for me! At the recommendation of a friend, I started working with her at a time when I had been hospitalized for some serious stomach issues and came out of that feeling very frail and needing some help and direction. Stephanie was kind and knowledgeable and empathetic, and did a great deal to set me on a great nutritional path to help heal up some of the issues I had going on. Very thankful for her!”

-Linda T

“I started with Stephanie in September 2020. I spent the previous year struggling with hormonal imbalance and I was over training. I knew my hormones were off and took several blood tests and the doctor kept telling me I was normal, however my levels were not in the normal range. I did compete for a few years, I felt fine but then started to struggle with hormonal imbalance and burnout. Daily I struggled with mental fog, low energy and fatigue. I drank way too much coffee to keep me going. My body was not responding. After struggling for over a year I started working with Stephanie. Working with her, I feel like I have become healthier, not just physically but internal health, body, mind and soul. I have learned so much working with Stephanie. I have found balance in my health and fitness.”

-Maria M

Mary came to Stephanie hoping to get off her RA meds and decrease inflammation. She had gone through a period of time where her health made it difficult to do her job. Our program started with a focus to calm her immune system and bring down inflammation. To make this a reality, we put a lot of emphasis on gut health, stress management, and food sensitivities.⁠

A big trigger of inflammation is food sensitivities. We had Mary run an MRT food sensitivity test, which is a personalized elimination diet. Reactive foods are immediately eliminated from the diet, and non-reactive foods are slowly introduced over a 1-3 month period. This helps to calm the immune system. Over time, more foods are introduced. ⁠

As we calmed her immune system and fortified her digestive health, Mary started to improve and she was able to start pulling out some of her medications. We had her checking labs every couple months to stay on top of her AI disease. Some of the things we saw were:⁠

Improved AI Titers (ANA)⁠: 1:160 → 1:80⁠

Improved CRP (inflammation marker)⁠: 24.7 → 2.1⁠

Improved TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)⁠ 3.8 → 2.52⁠

⁠-Mary P

It was suggested to me by a Dr, to reach out to this company and I am genuinely grateful for what I learned and how much of my health I got back. It was rough at first and I did resist BUT Stephanie was there no matter what and guided me with all of my many internal and external factors that drive my illnesses, into a better place. She had a lot of patience with me and I know I was a very tough case at the time. I still have every email and look at them often when I need inspiration, if you can do it…it’s worth the money, work, and your health. Thank you very much Stephanie!!

-Kristine G

I used to be a gym rat, would work out 5-6 days per week for at least an hour, do cardio & weights every single day, do HIIT workouts & would calculate my calories / macros. I would only eat greens & lean chicken breast. No fats, no carbs.

I would put myself on a low calorie diet so I could lose more weight, which worked, not going to lie, but it worked for a short period of time. Afterwards, I started gaining weight back while still exercising & keeping a low calorie diet & I did not understand why I kept gaining weight & not losing weight. It was frustrating to me… but I am glad I was able to find ND & start my journey with them last year.

When I started, these were my goals with them:
🔹 Get lean
🔹 Lose body fat
🔹 Lose weight

Every week I kept asking my coach “Is it time for a cut yet?”, “Why am I not losing weight?”, “I want to start cutting & need to lose weight.” While my coach was trying to heal my metabolism, I didn’t understand that because I didn’t understand the importance & it was frustrating for me, because all I wanted was to lose weight lol

And what I did not understand that I:
🔹Had super high cortisol, like 3 times higher than normal
🔹Had no estradiol, progesterone, or testosterone

I was shocked, but all this explained why I had a hormone belly & was not able to lose fat. I understood that I overtrained my body, I was too harsh on it & I was not feeding properly. It’s like a car, how can you expect to have your car running properly when you are low on gas…

Now when I started focusing less on scale, I noticed it that:
🔹 I have become calmer
🔹 My hormone belly got smaller
🔹 I don’t have any more sleeping problems, I sleep like a baby every night

Before, if I ate something extra, my scale would go up, so I could not enjoy the food & could not go out & eat with my friends. Now, I eat & ENJOY ALL types of FOOD, I don’t have to restrict myself, I EAT EVERYTHING, & my weight is still the same – this is a HUGE WIN for me. Before, I had to make sure my food was always prepped. Now, I can go out to eat all the time, because you can still eat out, be healthy & not be stuck at home next to your stove. Now I am enjoying my food & I can eat anything I want, even ice cream!
I don’t get BLOATED! I used to get bloated big time, I would look like a pregnant woman once I ate vegetables, but now after my meals with lots of vegetables & fiber, my stomach is still the same.

Another win for me was my MIND, freedom of my mind. Because of the mindset I had before, it was hard for me to pass it up. I don’t have to workout crazy 5 times per week to the point I am not able to feel my body, or I don’t have to run 30 mins every day with 7.2 mph. I do not have to do any of those in order to be healthy & look good. I haven’t used a treadmill for a year now, I don’t run anymore. I cut my cardio by 90% & I am happier than I could ever be. My cardio is now walking. Before, if someone had told me that walking is cardio, I would not believe them & tell them that they need to learn how to workout, but I was wrong…. But the lesson learned.

All I have to say is that patience is the key… be patient with your progress.. your journey… & focus more on YOU & your mind & ENJOY & LIVE your life!

-Yana K

I was not living life fully because it was dictated by my stomach issues & anxiety for over 7 YEARS. I didn’t go anywhere that didn’t have a bathroom & even if it did, I was still in high anxiety about the drive there. Sometimes my stomach would go haywire just walking the dog down the road & I’d have to turn around, or not eat prior. I’d have a racing-heart feeling waking up from sleep, I had a very limited amount of foods I’d eat & still have symptoms. My “diet” was so restricted. 

On top of all this, I was overtraining my body in the gym, competing in figure competitions, & doing CrossFit. I was a workout junkie.

I had seen a good handful of GI Drs, naturopaths and tried to read any books I could on things like Paleo, SCD Diet, FODMAPS – you name it. When I came across ND, I instantly reached out for help. I couldn’t have my gut running my life forever.

In 2020, I started working with Stephanie. she caught me at my worst. I had just finished a bad streak of having 3 flus in a 3 month time span. The list of issues I was experiencing could go on for a while. My body was angry & my gut in severe distress. 

We started a flush plan & my body didn’t know how to respond at first. It was a rollercoaster of feeling better, then back to feeling badly. We did MRT test, Stool test & cortisol testing to help learn what my body fully needed to heal. Through her guidance & recommendations, I changed my daily stressors/habits. That’s when more progress started to occur! She had me incorporate meditation & barre workouts – 2 things I never thought I’d do, & I LOVE them! My gut & anxiety is so much better than it’s ever been! 

With all the work that has been being done this past year I’m in a much better & healthier place! I have a much much larger food variety, I digest my foods now, I have learned great ways to cope with anxiety & my heart. I can go places with less worry about having to use a bathroom, yet alone use one right away. I’ve learned much better stress management & how much I love different ways to workout that aren’t intense like CrossFit. Two of the biggest things I’ve learned are: cues from my body when to rest or when it needs something/ trying to tell me something & how much food & rest really is the best medicine.

-Allison P

I never thought i would hire an online coach but here i am. 9 months later..ready to gush about how great my coach Stephanie from is. lol

The knowledge i’ve gained about my individual health and needs these past few months is truly wild. Stephanie has patiently guided me through a plan tailored to me while holding me accountable to stick to it.  (and bless her. because sometimes i go rogue and i need to be stopped. hahaha.)

I think one of my biggest take aways has been understanding that health is more than just diet and exercise. It’s hormone, adrenal, thyroid and gut health. It’s balancing cortisol and blood sugar levels, lowering inflammation in the body, stress management. But i’m excited to continue learning  and ready to take on more challenges, all while having fun at the same time. 🙂 

5 STARS. much wow.

-Chanel V