Easy Egg Salad Sandwich

      We’re talking real simple today.  Like easy egg salad sandwich simple.   Do you ever just get a craving for the basics?  Well here’s the deal, I needed an easy egg salad sandwich.  Why? Because.   I’m getting real creative with my recipes around here.  Following my heart and the heart wants …

Top 6 Nutrition Bars 2019

      Whatever you call them, nutrition bars, granola bars, energy bars, or protein bars, our world is obsessed with them. I mean that is why we’ve got a post on the Top 6 Nutrition Bars of 2019. With the ease and convenience of a nutrition bar, it’s hard not to love them.  A …

6 Holiday Weight Gain Fighting Tips

      Every. Single. Year. I see people stressing during the holidays. We stress over money. Stress about the gifts we NEED to buy. We lose our cool and mental sanity.  And more often than not, I see people freak out about holiday weight gain.    We give ourselves anxiety about all these things …

Pumpkin Spice Oat Pancakes

  It’s pretty common for me to take bit of flack when it comes to my healthy eating habits, especially from my family.  After all, dietitians are better known as the food police. (Insert eye-roll here). I’m often the butt of many healthy eating memes that get sent my way.  My sister is always on …

Pumpkin Almond Butter Blondies

Pumpkin Almond Butter Blondies

Fall has finally arrived at SLN!  That’s right, pumpkin spice season is here and so are our Pumpkin Almond Butter Blondies!   I’ve been holding out on the pumpkin everything train.  Midwest winter are literally the worst so I’ve been holding on to summer as long as I can.  Thus far, the only fall inspired …