Vegan Cashew Cheese Sauce

Vegan Cashew Cheese Sauce

Did someone say Vegan Cashew Cheese Sauce?!   You had me at the word cheese!  One of the things I miss most since my dairy-free, gluten-free life began is cheese.  I’m a cheesehead at heart, so it’s not hard to believe.   One thing I’ve learned on this journey is that tacos, nachos, and pasta …

Instant Pot Coconut Milk Yogurt

Instant Pot Coconut Milk Yogurt

  We’re talking brekkie today! Can you say –> Instant Pot Coconut Milk Yogurt!   Anyone that knows me, knows I’m a die-hard dairy fan.  Unfortunately, my skin isn’t. I just want all the ice cream, yogurt, and cheese please. One of things I miss most is having my yogurt in the morning.  I swear …

Dark Chocolate Flaxseed Waffles

Dark Chocolate Flaxseed Waffles

Let’s talk breakfast. More specifically –> Dark Chocolate Flaxseed Waffles   Since starting my elimination diet (see more on that here), the cravings have been coming out of the woodwork.  Seriously, though.  All the things I never thought twice about before, I WANT. And I want them bad.   Normally, I’m pretty down with eggs for …

healthy pantry essentials

Healthy Pantry Essentials: A Dietitian’s Guide

Lay Off the Willpower, Plan Your Pantry Making healthy, nourishing choices doesn’t have to be rocket science or time-consuming; nor do you need willpower of steel. Sure you can tell yourself you won’t graze on so-call junk food. Maybe you’ll resist the temptation of going back for seconds.  You may even start meal prepping on Sunday. …

Healthy Paleo Baked Meatballs

Healthy Paleo Baked Meatballs

Hello there!  Glad you stopped by to check out these Healthy Paleo Baked Meatballs!  If you are new to the blog, you may not it know yet…but I LOVE meatballs.  However, even if you have been to the blog before, you may not know why I had the need to make a paleo-friendly version of …

Roasted Garlic Rosemary Potatoes

Roasted Garlic Rosemary Potatoes

Gosh, do I love potatoes, potatoes of all kinds. Give me a plate of smashed, mashed, roasted, grilled, or au-gratin and I will eat them. One kind of potato I especially like —> Roasted Garlic Rosemary Potatoes.   If you’ve been to Stephanie Lee Nutrition before, you’ve probably heard me talk about my upbringing in …

6 Tips to Build a Healthy Routine

6 Tips to Build a Healthy Routine

Building a Healthy Routine: 6 strategies to help reach your health and fitness goals We’ve all been there.  We’ve all been at that point where it seems every bit of our routine has fallen apart. Maybe you’ve had extra tasks line up throughout the week. Or that you’ve had a series of unexpected events. You …